a Sporting Clay Charity Shoot for Nebraska Pro-Life Organizations

Over $18,000 was raised at our 2023 shoot!  Thank you!

Since 2012, over $168,000 has been donated to pro-life organizations in Nebraska!

As Nebraskans we realize there is a greater need than ever to show support to organizations that promote and defend the most basic of all human rights, the right to life, from conception to natural death.  We are proud to support pro-life organizations and their efforts to promote life throughout the state.  As outdoorsmen and women, we have a special appreciation for the gift of life, and ask that you consider joining us in supporting this great cause.

Proceeds from the shoot are donated to Pro-Life Organizations

in Nebraska.  Past recipients include:

  • Collage Center
  • Wellspring Pregnancy & Health Center
  • Right to Life groups
  • Life Choices
  • Nebraskans Embracing Life
  • Diocese of GI Pro Life Office
  • Knights of Columbus groups
  • Women's Care Center
  • Students for Life of America - UNK Chapter

If you are an entity that would like to request funds, please complete our Financial Support Application Form.

All proceeds from the shoot will go to benefit Pro-Life Organizations in Nebraska. 
Protecting the Basic Right of Life for the Unborn.

Wish to donate to our cause?  You may do so here.                         Thank you very much!

Purpose of Shoot4Life